• La Festa Mille Miglia 2018で盛り上がりました!

    開催終了   2018.10.23

    La Festa Mille Miglia 2018で盛り上がりました!

    あの「La Festa Mille Miglia」が、La Festa Mille Miglia 2018 として福島に帰ってきました!! 東京から裏磐梯、福島市を通るルートが復活!!! 10月20日(土)飯坂温泉を通過しました! 鯖湖湯前のチェックポイントでは、なかむらや旅館の大女将と国際ボランティアのリナが、参加者にリンゴなどをプレゼント! 秋の飯坂温泉を、100台のクラシックカーが颯爽と駆け …続きを読む

  • Deccora

    リナレポート   2018.10.22


    There are really big portions in Fukushima. You make an order, but before they bring it, you can take free snacks (1st photo). On the 2nd photo, there is souse katsudon (my order). And this was more t …続きを読む

  • Kappa Sushi

    リナレポート   2018.10.22

    Kappa Sushi

    Has your food ever come to you by train? XD I thought I saw everything, but in Kappa sushi, your food is delivered by a little shinkansen. You can laugh, but I see it for the first time! I didn’ …続きを読む

  • Tea ceremony

    リナレポート   2018.10.21

    Tea ceremony

    There was a #festival in #iizakaonsen and there was a tea ceremony. Of course I participated, because there was matcha there. lol But if seriously, it was really gorgeous and interesting! Orgaisators  …続きを読む

  • Ouchujuku

    リナレポート   2018.10.20


    Ouchujuku is the village, where you can experience the spirit of Edo period. There are 30 hotels with thatched roofs, so this place is known as a village with traditional buildings. In the Edo period, …続きを読む