• Tea ceremony

    リナレポート   2018.10.21

    Tea ceremony

    There was a #festival in #iizakaonsen and there was a tea ceremony. Of course I participated, because there was matcha there. lol But if seriously, it was really gorgeous and interesting! Orgaisators  …続きを読む

  • Ouchujuku

    リナレポート   2018.10.20


    Ouchujuku is the village, where you can experience the spirit of Edo period. There are 30 hotels with thatched roofs, so this place is known as a village with traditional buildings. In the Edo period, …続きを読む

  • Festival of classical cars

  • Ueno Park (Tokyo)

    リナレポート   2018.10.19

    Ueno Park (Tokyo)

    We participated in an exhibition about Fukushima in Tokyo (Ueno Park). I was so glad to meet so many people who like Japan. Some of them live here, some are just traveling but both were happy to be he …続きを読む

  • 和菓子作りに挑戦!

    お知らせ   2018.10.17


    和菓子を作ってみませんか??? 飯坂温泉には、和菓子・洋菓子を製造販売しているお菓子やさんがたくさんあります。 今回は自分で作ってみましょう! という企画です。 11月4日(日)、12月8日(土)の2回、旧堀切邸で「和菓子(ねりきり)づくり体験」があります。 講師には、けしまんぢうで有名な「一味庵」の若旦那、氏家一浩氏をお迎えします。 美味しい和菓子で季節を感じてみてください。 詳細・お問合せ・お …続きを読む